Wednesday, March 25, 2009

The things he does...

Sometimes, well all of the time, being a mommy to a 15 month old son is an adventure! Tonight, while Robbie was cooking dinner, yes Robbie, not me because I hurt my knee pretty bad today. I somehow got tripped up on Robbie's foot or leg or something and my leg twisted, and my knee popped out of place. I experienced the most excruciating pain I have ever felt! I went to urgent care, waited for a couple hours to be seen, got x-rays done, and finally they told me that they thought it was my MCL that was hurt. They gave me a brace to wear, crutches, and some very powerful pain medications. Sometime in the next few days I am supposed to go see an orthopedic doctor. Anyway, all of that to say...Robbie was cooking dinner while I was sitting on the couch hurting and feeling sorry for myself, while Caleb was looking for an adventure. So all of the sudden from the kitchen I hear Robbie yell "Oh my gosh Samantha, you have to come see this!" Now, picture me with my hurt leg, huge brace on, trying to "jump" up off of the couch scramble to grab my crutches, and hobble over as quick as I could to see what he was talking about, and this is what I found...
All I could do was laugh...I wanted to be that protective mother that jerked him off of the chair because he could slip and fall at any moment and get hurt, but I just couldn't do it. This was just too cute and HILARIOUS! Caleb had, all by himself I might add, pulled the rocking chair over from the corner of the room, climbed up in the chair, stood up, and started playing piano. I think we might have a child prodigy on our hands! ;)

1 comment:

Heather Privette said...

that is too cute!