Monday, January 19, 2009

Family is a gift that lasts forever...

With the holidays always comes time with family, but this year after the holidays were over I have had the priveledge of having much more time with family. My brother, Grant, and his wife Ashley are in town staying with us for 10 days. They just moved to Pensacola, FL from Hawaii where my brother was previously stationed. My eyes have just really been opened lately to how important your family is, and how precious of a gift that it is. When no one else is there and you feel all alone, aside from our creator, we will always have family. It has been so much fun to spend time with my brother and his wife, my parents, my MawMaw, my cousins, and my Aunt and Uncle.
One woman in particular has really shown me and Robbie unconditional love, and has opened my eyes even further to the gift of family, and that amazing woman is my (step) Mom. I put "step" in parenthesis because if I didn't tell you, you would never know that we weren't her biological children because of the love and selflessness that she shows us. She has helped heal wounds, shown me what unconditional love really means, and just shown such a great example of a Christian mother! I love you!
I also have a wonderful biological mother that I love very much, and is a great Nana, but its a DOUBLE BLESSING to have two great Moms!
I just can't say enough about my entire family who are all wonderful people, and to all of you who I didn't speak to specifically in this blog, you have all taken part in making me who I am and

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